This Sacrament of healing is celebrated for those who are ill, aged, or preparing for a surgical procedure. Ordinarily, it is offered by appointment, usually before or after Mass.
Several times a year, a communal celebration of Anointing of the Sick takes place at a special Mass in our parish hall. Additionally, the priest visits the sick as needed.
If you would like to receive this Sacrament, or have a family member who is in need of it, please call the office.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick should, if at all possible, be celebrated before an individual loses consciousness.
The “Last Rites” known as "Viaticum" or The last sacraments "for the journey," includes a renewal of Baptismal promises, Confession, Anointing of the Sick, and Final Holy Communion.
If a priest is requested right at the moment of death may, availability may not be possible.
Please call as early as you can for the anointing of the sick and final holy communion.