For graduates of Catholic of Pointe Coupée Interparochial School who are no longer parishioners of St. Mary's, the church fee is $900 plus a returnable $200 deposit (in the event of damages, etc.).
For other non-parishioners, the church fee is $1,500 as well as a returnable $500 deposit (in the event of damages, etc.)
You must make an appointment with the pastor of St. Mary's or the sacamental coordinator to familiarize yourself with the diocesan and particular rules for wedding liturgies at St. Mary's
You must have a letter from the priest who will preside at your wedding stating his firm intention to perform the pre-marital preparation as well as preside at the wedding liturgy.
If the priest is from another diocese, a letter of good standing will be required before he is able to preside at the weddingl liturgy.
You must have a letter of permission from your pastor giving his permission for you to be married at St. Mary's.